Monday, August 12, 2019

Evolution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Evolution - Coursework Example Another major influence on Darwin’s observation was drawn from reading Thomas Malthus’s article which stated that human population was growing at a very rapid pace and resources such as food and water would be scarce (Goldsmith & Bradshaw, 2009). From these facts he came up with a conclusion that humans compete with each other for scarce resources. He also performed cross breeding to observe further variation in different plants and animals where he made a conclusion that the individual are inherited from parents to off springs (Goldsmith & Bradshaw, 2009). To support his observations and experiments, Darwin collected a wide variety of facts from reports by other naturalists as well as reports from his own experiments (Zimmer & Doughlas, 2013). Charles Darwin was reluctant to publish and make his discovery public until 1858 when a similar theory was discovered by Alfred Russel. Darwin avoided publishing because he was afraid of the reactions from his scientific colleagues. He was also afraid of damaging his own reputation, upsetting his religious wife, religious perception as well as destroying the social order (Zimmer & Doughlas,

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